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A good book is like a best friend.

We have listed the best books about (together) parenting and being human, by Dutch and international authors.


If you click on the title, you can read more about the book and order it directly. You can also check out to see if you can find a second-hand copy.


If you change the language of the page at the top left, you will see our favorite English books. Do you have a good reading tip of your own?Mail it to!

Fredrike Bannink:A better life. How?
Rutger Bregman:Most people are good
Edith Egger:The choice
Kahlil Gibran:The Prophet
Rupi Kaur:At home in myself
Lois Grocer:New life
Emily Pine: Everything I can't say

Lynn Berger:The second

Anna & Frederick Jacobs:How About Mom

Alfie Kohn:Unconditional parenting
Pepin Lanes:Vad3r

Hedvig Montgomery:The seven steps to successful parenting

Nina Mouton:Mild parenting

Sarah Naphtali:Buddhism for Mothers

Nina Pierson:mamas



Simone Davies:Montessori for the home

Steven Gillis:Nurture self-confidence

Alison Gopnik:The parenting paradox

Stine Jensen & Frank Meester:The educators

Kid:Educators and hut builders

Jane Nelsen: Parenting with positive discipline

Tisha Neve:Inspiration book for more fun and easier parenting

Tisha Neve: Positive and creative upbringing

Tisha Neve: Teenagers are fun! Especially if you understand them

Philippa Perry:The Book You Wish Your Parents Had Read (And Your Kids Are Glad You Did)


Fredrike Bannink:Solution-focused questions for children

Gary Chapman & Ross Campbell:The five languages of children's love

Adele Faber & Elaine Mazlish:How2talk2kids

​Thomas Gordon:Listening to children

Justin Mol:The giraffe and the jackal in us


Brene Brown:The power of vulnerability

Hubten Chodron:Work with anger

Manu Keirse:Help with loss and grief

Thich Nhat Hahn: Fear

Jonice Webb: Unprecedented feelings

Self confidence

Brene Brown:The courage of imperfection

Brene Brown:Luckily I'm not the only one

Florine Pigeon:Mother enough

Ethan Kross:The voice in your head

Els van Stein: The fountain, find your place


Fredrike Bannink:Positive psychology

Hannie van Genderen: Breaking patterns

Byron Katie: Four questions that will change your life

Vex King: Good Vibes, Good Life

alice miller:Drama of the gifted child

Michael Puett & Christine Gross-Loh:The route

Chetanya White:We can change



Garry Chapman:The five love languages

Hannah Cuppen:Love scared

Jane Dunn:Love in the Time of Diapers

Jan Geurtz:Addicted to love

Amir Levine & Rachel Heller: Connected

Nynke Nijman:The APK relationship

Karin Wagenaar:Relationships, how do you do that?

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